clogged pipeToilet backing up? If it isn’t backing up, let’s keep it that way. The only thing that should be flushed down your toilet is – toilet paper! In order to sell more products, some companies sell personal care items and market and label them as “flushable”. These include baby wipes and adult wipes.  If they accumulate in your main drain, the backup they cause can take hours to clear – the plumber may need to cut into the drain and then repair it. Perhaps your toilet is not backing up, yet the products may be causing issues in the city sewage system. Homeowners who have septic systems should also beware! Your system will become clogged and these wipes can also clog the filter and cause a disgusting backup into your home.

Tell contractors who are working in your home, that you do not want anything flushed down your toilet but toilet paper. We have pulled paper towels and painter’s tape from main drains (see photo right which was taken after laboring two hours to find and clear backup). If the home is vacant during renovations, make sure you leave toilet paper for the workers so they will not be tempted to flush anything that will result in your toilet backing up.

So let us flush out the bare facts for you: no matter what the fancy packaging says – only toilet paper goes down the drain.

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