(781) 413-6253

Oil to gas conversions

Oil to gas conversions are becoming increasingly popular. Factors driving this are the price comparisons with oil, the efficiency of new boilers, rebates from energy companies, and the space that is freed up by removing the 275 gallon oil tank. The average home in the...

Plumbing jobs around the home

We can take care of all your plumbing jobs around the home. Whether it is installing a gas fireplace, a rainmaker shower head, or a new laundry hookup set in the wall, Rizzo Plumbing & Heating can help you out with spring updates to your home. If you are...

Master Plumber License # 13713


Looking for a plumber to replace a water heater? I had the best experience when my water heater broke over a weekend (while I was away).Without delay, Rizzo Plumbing & Heating evaluated the situation, got me a water heater and, after becoming Houdini, replaced it in one of the smallest, most awkward places possible. Equally important to me, when I got home I would have never even known they were there because things were cleaned up so nicely!
Angela O'Connor, South Boston

(781) 413-6253

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